Real Time Reports

Real Time Reports
Content Sections

Real Time Reports are available to you at any time through your website. To access them you must be logged in to your site, then you can find them in the top Navigation.  These reports show you items that could be affecting your site's health or ADA Compliance.

Kylie Diegmiller

Alt Tags

Alt Tags
Content Sections

Alt Tags report tableYou can access your Alt Tags report under Real Time Reports > Alt Tags

This page shows you a filterable/sortable table of any instances in the website where images are missing Alt Tags. 

Fix your alt tags by:

  • Select the "title" on the Alt Tag report page
    • this will send you to the page where you are missing the Alt Tag
  • Navigate to the image that is missing the Alt Tag
  • Select Edit to edit the page
  • Select the image then the image icon in the text editor bar, or double click the image
  • Add your Alt Text and Save
    • Don't forget to save the page!


What Are Alt Tags?

Alt Tags ("alt text", "alt description", or "alternative text") are snippets of HTML code that is used for the following:

  1. Visually impaired users relying on screen readers will read an alt tag to describe an image.
  2. The alt text displays in the event the image cannot load.
  3. Search engine crawlers also rely on alt text to improve the image's indexing.

Ensuring all images have some descriptive alt text is the best way to keep your website accessible.

Kylie Diegmiller

Blank Pages

Blank Pages
Content Sections

Pages that are considered blank may annoy the user and hinder your search engine rankings.

Access the Blank Page Report by navigating to Real Time Reports > Blank Pages

This page shows you a filterable/sortable table of any instances in the website where pages are considered blank. 

You can fix blank pages in a few different ways, depending on what you need:

  1. Delete the blank page if you do not need it
  2. Add Content to the page and save if you'd like it to be live
  3. Unpublish the page if you'd like to use it late for content


Kylie Diegmiller

Broken Links

Broken Links
Content Sections

Having links that send a user to a 404 Not Found or unreachable site hinders the credibility of your website.

You can access your Broken Links report under Real Time Reports > Broken Links

This page shows you a filterable/sortable table of any instances in the website where there is a Broken Link. 

Fix Broken Links by:

  • Select the "Title" on the Broken Links report page
    • this will send you to the page with the broken link
  • Select Edit to edit the page
  • Navigate to the broken link and select the link then the link icon in the text editor bar, or double click the link
  • Type or paste in the correct link and save
    • Don't forget to save the page!
Kylie Diegmiller

Click Here Report

Click Here Report
Content Sections

Having links state "click here", "read more", or "visit website" is not only considered bad practice; it gives no concrete description of what information is behind the link.

Ensuring that links have a detailed and concise phrase improves SEO and usability.

You can access your Click Here report under Real Time Reports > Click Here

This page shows you a filterable/sortable table of any instances in the website where there is a "click here" link. 

Fix "Click Here" Links by:

  • Select the "Title" on the Click Here report page
    • this will send you to the page with the "click here" link
  • Select Edit to edit the page
  • Navigate to the click here link and edit the text displaying the link 
    • Tip: try to make the link text text say what the link actually is
      • Example: instead of, "Click here to watch our webinar." try, "Watch our webinar."
  • Verify that the link is still correct and working
  • Don't forget to save the page!
Kylie Diegmiller

Limited Pages

Limited Pages
Content Sections

Limited Pages Report info

Kylie Diegmiller

No Menu Content Report

No Menu Content Report
Content Sections

menu settingsPages that can be placed in the menu but are not within will confuse users who arrive to the page from other sources (search engines, third-party websites, etc).

Consider placing the page within the menu or archiving it.

You can access your No Menu Content report under Real Time Reports > No Menu Content

This page shows you a filterable/sortable table of any instances in the website where there is a page not in the menu. 

Fix No Menu Content pages by:

  • Select the "Title" on the No Menu Content report page
    • this will send you to the page that is not in the menu
  • Select Edit to edit the page
  • On the Right side of the page you can edit the Menu settings to make sure your page is in the menu
    • Make sure "Provide a menu link" is selected
    • Select the parent page from the Parent drop down
  • Don't forget to save the page!


Kylie Diegmiller

Orphaned Files

Orphaned Files
Content Sections

Any file that is located on the server but not utilized within content is considered orphaned. Orphaned files may contain outdated data, which can still be picked up by search engines. Consider deleting the file if its no longer relevant to keep.

After a short time period (by default, a week) any orphaned files will be automatically deleted based off the "Discovered as Orphan" column.


Kylie Diegmiller

Stale Pages

Stale Pages
Content Sections

Ensuring pages have been updated recently improves the credibility of your site and authenticity of the content placed on the page. If the content is no longer relevant or necessary, consider archiving the page.

To access your Stale Pages Report navigate to Real Time Reports >Stale Pages.

This page shows you a filterable/sortable table of any instances in the website where there is a stale page. 

Fix Stale Pages by:

  • Select the "Title" on the Stale Pages report page
    • this will send you to the Stale Page
  • Select Edit to edit the page
  • From here you can:
    • Unpublish the page
    • Archive the page
    • Edit the page
  • Don't forget to save the page when you are finished!
Kylie Diegmiller