Alt Tags

Alt Tags
Content Sections

Alt Tags report tableYou can access your Alt Tags report under Real Time Reports > Alt Tags

This page shows you a filterable/sortable table of any instances in the website where images are missing Alt Tags. 

Fix your alt tags by:

  • Select the "title" on the Alt Tag report page
    • this will send you to the page where you are missing the Alt Tag
  • Navigate to the image that is missing the Alt Tag
  • Select Edit to edit the page
  • Select the image then the image icon in the text editor bar, or double click the image
  • Add your Alt Text and Save
    • Don't forget to save the page!


What Are Alt Tags?

Alt Tags ("alt text", "alt description", or "alternative text") are snippets of HTML code that is used for the following:

  1. Visually impaired users relying on screen readers will read an alt tag to describe an image.
  2. The alt text displays in the event the image cannot load.
  3. Search engine crawlers also rely on alt text to improve the image's indexing.

Ensuring all images have some descriptive alt text is the best way to keep your website accessible.

Kylie Diegmiller