Click Here Report

Click Here Report
Content Sections

Having links state "click here", "read more", or "visit website" is not only considered bad practice; it gives no concrete description of what information is behind the link.

Ensuring that links have a detailed and concise phrase improves SEO and usability.

You can access your Click Here report under Real Time Reports > Click Here

This page shows you a filterable/sortable table of any instances in the website where there is a "click here" link. 

Fix "Click Here" Links by:

  • Select the "Title" on the Click Here report page
    • this will send you to the page with the "click here" link
  • Select Edit to edit the page
  • Navigate to the click here link and edit the text displaying the link 
    • Tip: try to make the link text text say what the link actually is
      • Example: instead of, "Click here to watch our webinar." try, "Watch our webinar."
  • Verify that the link is still correct and working
  • Don't forget to save the page!
Kylie Diegmiller