Stale Pages

Stale Pages
Content Sections

Ensuring pages have been updated recently improves the credibility of your site and authenticity of the content placed on the page. If the content is no longer relevant or necessary, consider archiving the page.

To access your Stale Pages Report navigate to Real Time Reports >Stale Pages.

This page shows you a filterable/sortable table of any instances in the website where there is a stale page. 

Fix Stale Pages by:

  • Select the "Title" on the Stale Pages report page
    • this will send you to the Stale Page
  • Select Edit to edit the page
  • From here you can:
    • Unpublish the page
    • Archive the page
    • Edit the page
  • Don't forget to save the page when you are finished!
Kylie Diegmiller