Calendar Events

Calendar Events
Content Sections

Under Content > Add Content you can Find Calendar Events

You can create a Calendar Event and publish it right away, or set it as a draft if you are not ready for it to be live on your website.  Drafts can be found on the Content Page

Once you fill out the required fields, the website will format your event and show it on the calendar.

Add calendar event

To Set up a Calendar Event, you will need to give it a itle. 

Next, you'll need to set up when the even is taking place. You will need to set the event date(s) and time, duration of the event, and if the event repeats and when it repeats. 

calendar event title














Duration can be set to No end time if the event end time is unknown:

Event duration


For recurring events, choose the Repeats option:

Event repeat option


If monthly Repeats is selected, the screen will display the following options:

Repeats every months


If you want the event to repeat every month, enter 1 or leave the first field (# of) empty; otherwise, provide a number of months.

In the Ends drop-down, select when the event will end—after a number of times or on a specific date:

Recurring event ends options  

Open the Advanced settings and pick the event schedule, for example: Second Monday.

Event schedule


Read more about editing recurring events instances

calendar event


You can give your Calendar event a Feature Image when you create the event.  


Calendar events can have Categories to help keep your calendar organized. You can also have several instances of the calendar in different areas of your site. Each instance of the calendar can be filtered with a different category, allowing you to show different information and events in the different areas of your site. 


Give your Event a Location Name and Location Address so people know where your event will take place.




You can give your event a description in the text editor.  

event text editor



Kylie Diegmiller